Benefits of Organic Moringa Powder
Organic – Raw – Vegan – Freshly Prepared The Moringa tree was first discovered in Northern India around 4000 years ago. In ayurvedic medicine it is called the “Miracle Tree”. In the Bible it is described as the “Tree of Life” in the Book of Exodus 15:20-25. The power of this tree, known since ancient…
Artichoke is Liver Tonic!
Liver Tonic Artichoke is rich in many antioxidants including quercertin, rutin, anthocyanins, cynarin, luteolin and silymarin. Cynarin and in particular, silymarin are very beneficial to the liver. Studies have found that these antioxidants might assist in liver tissue regeneration and artichoke has been used in alternatrive medicine for liver ailments. Moreover, Silymarin (also found in Milk Thistle)…
Herbs for Health
Popular Herbs For Health and Well-Being CAUTION:For most people, herbal medicine provides a gentle and effective way of maintaining health and relieving symptoms. However, should have the following conditions, you should consult your health professional before using any herbal remedy:• Pregnant• Breastfeeding• Taking any other medicines (prescription, herbal or over the counter drugs)• Major health…
Stay Healthy with A Body Temperature of 37 Degrees Celsius: The Danger of Hypothermia!
What is hypothermia?The human body has only a relatively narrow range of temperature that will sustain life. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Our “core temperature” – that is, the deep internal temperature of the body – must be kept within a range of 35.5 to 38 degrees Celsius.…
Boosting Your Immune System Naturally: Essential Steps for Optimal Wellness
In the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of a robust immune system has taken center stage. While adhering to hygiene measures is crucial, the key to safeguarding ourselves against infections and promoting swift recovery lies within our immunity. Strengthening your immune system not only fortifies your defense mechanisms but also accelerates healing…
Revitalize Your Health: The Miraculous Influence of Microcirculation
In the pursuit of optimal health, one often finds themselves exploring an array of diets, exercises, and wellness practices. However, amidst this quest, a fundamental aspect that tends to be overlooked is microcirculation—a process that holds the potential to revolutionize our understanding of well-being. Microcirculation, the circulation of blood through the smallest vessels in the…