Popular Herbs For Health and Well-Being
For most people, herbal medicine provides a gentle and effective way of maintaining health and relieving symptoms. However, should have the following conditions, you should consult your health professional before using any herbal remedy:
• Pregnant
• Breastfeeding
• Taking any other medicines (prescription, herbal or over the counter drugs)
• Major health conditions (such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, heart disease or HIV/AIDS)
Andrographis paniculata

Bitter in taste and cold in nature; It flows thru Heart, lung, large intestine and bladder meridians; It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood, and detumescence. It is commonly used in Chinese clinic for cold and fever, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue, cough, diarrhea and dysentery, hot drenching and astringent pain, carbuncle and sore, snake and insect bites.
BALM MINT Melissa officinalis

Balm mint has antibacterial and sedative actions. It is an excellent calming herb, ideal for nervour people, and is useful for migraines, hysteria, melancholia, tension, depression, stress and sleeplessness.
• Nervousness
• The health of the digestive tract
• Relieves digestive tract spasms, abdominal cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence and colic.
• Toning effect on the circulatory system and counters feverish conditions.
BIRCH Betula alba

Birch has many benefits for internal organs and for the skin. It is beneficial as a powerful diuretic that is capable of dissolving kidney and bladder stones. Birch destroys harmful bacteria in the kidneys and urinary tract, making it useful to treat urinary tract infections such as cystitis. For:
• Kidney and bladder stones
• Urinary tract infections
• Helpful for fluid retention, gout, rheumatism and arthritic pain
• To reduce blood cholesterol
• To stimulate the flow of bile. Birch can be used externally for acne, eczema and other skin complaints. It also promotes hair growth.
BURDOCK Arctium lap

Burdock rapidly cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood
• For skin disorders such as eczema, acne and psoriasis
• Boils, scurvy and rheumatic conditions
• Used externally as a wash or poultice for sores, ulcers and other skin disorders
CALENDULA Calendula officinalis

Calendula stimulates the flow of bile and acts as a valuable herb for digestive inflammations and complaints such as gastric and duodenal ulcers
• Has marked antifungal activity and is helpful in treating fungal infections.
• For delayed menstruation and skin diseases
• Apply externally for varicose veins and inflammations of the skin, external bleeding, slow healing wounds, skin ulcers, minor burns and scalds
CAMOMILE Matricaria recutita

Camomile is an excellent herb for babies at teething time or when they have ear infections, cramps or stomach aches.
• Helpful for any problem that causes children discomfort
• Helpful for flatulence, diarrhea, stomach disorders and gastritis, menstrual disorders, neuralgic pains, insomnia and toothache
• Used in a sitz bath or as an enema, it helps haemorrhoids
CRANESBILL Geranium robertianum

Cranesbill is used to treat peptic ulcers and diarrhea, and is useful for controlling bleeding haemorrhoids and nosebleeds.
• Gargle for mouth ulcers, sore throats and gum infections
• Wash for sore eyes
• As a douche to reduce excessive menstrual flow and excessive vaginal discharge
DANDELION Taraxacum officinale

Dandelion helps to stimulate the flow of bile, stimulates appetite and works a as mild diuretic.
• Beneficial for liver and gallbladder disorders and digestive complaints, especially the incomplete digestion of fat.
• It increases the body’s secretion of bile by over 50%
• Helpful in managing weight problems
• Helpful in distributing cholesterol
• Its root purifies the blood by straining and filtering toxins and wastes from the bloodstream
• Improves blood circulation
• Assists in skin conditions such as acne, eczema, itchy or scaly rashes
DONG QUAI Angelica polymorpha

Dong quai is traditionally taken by women to ease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and heavy menstrual bleeding.
• It contiains estrogen-like ingredients that help to balance female hormones.
• Acts as a blood stimulant
• Excellent source of iron, magnesium and niacin
• Helps to increases blood flow to the heart, may benefit the cardiovascular system
• Bitter compounds in it also lower blood cholesterol and regulate glycogen production in the liver
ECHINACEA Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea root is used for the treatment of recurrent respiratory and urinary tract infections.
• Helpful for progressive systemic disorders such as tuberculosis, leucosis (abnormal growth of white blood cells)
• Connective tissue diseasse and multiple sclerosis
• Applied externally, it treats surface wounds
• Liquid extract has immune-stimulating activity. It increases the number of white blood cells and other cells that destroy substances such as bacteria, protozoa and cell debris
EPILOBIUM Epilobium parviflorum

A must for all men! Epilobium is an effective medicine for all kinds of diagnosed benign prostate disorders and has no adverse side effect. German studies confirmed that epilobium contains the active ingredient beta-sitosterol, a plant hormone that shrinks enlarged prostates. It has long-term therapeutic effects, therefore should be taken daily by all men over 50.
• Has anti-inflammatory effect
• Useful for women who suffer from cystitis, a chronically irritated bladder, or from acute inflammation of the bladder or urethra
FENNEL Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel counters:
• Flatulence
• Acidic stomachs
• Abdominal cramps
• Colic and spasms
• Improve digestion and appetite
• Colic in babies and small children
• Increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers
FENUGREEK Trigonella foenum-graecum

Fenugreek seeds are useful to encourage weight gain when recovering from illness and for those who have no appetite.
• Assists in cholesterol metabolism to lower the level
• Effective in treating fevers
• Has ability to dissolve mucous congestion. Ideal for bronchitis and other chest conditions
• Its soothing effect is useful for treating dyspepsia and gastric disorders
• Gargle for sore throats
• Contains a natural hormone similar to oestrogen, which stimulates milk production in breastfeeding mothers
• Mixed with hot water or hot milk, fenugreek seeds can be applied as a paste to treat abscesses, boils, carbuncles, ulcers and inflammation
FEVERFEW Tanacetum parthenium

Clinically trials show that feverfew is effective in preventing and treating migraines.
• For general headaches
• Relieves the inflammation and pain of arthritis
• Promotes restful sleep
• Improve digestion and relieve asthma attacks
• Sluggish menstrual flow and congestive period pain

Ginkgo biloba helps to widen blood vessels and increase blood flow.
• It promotes blood flow to the body’s extremities, such as head and feet
• For circulation problems: poor eyesight, poor hearing, leg cramps, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus, headaches and emotional instability with anxiety
• Useful for sinus congestion, stubborn coughs and asthma
• For heart and eye diseases
• To improve kidney and pancreas function
• For brain trauma resulting from accidents
GRAPE SEED Vitis vinifera

Antioxidants such as grape seed can prevent the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are believed to attack, damage or alter human DNA, causing cells to die, mutate and possibly become cancerous. They also alter blood fats that may lead to heart and blood vessel disease. They’re linked to premature aging and degenerative diseases. Grape seed is identified to be the most powerful of all antioxidants and thought to be 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E.
HAWTHORN Crataegus monogyna

Hawthorn is an excellent herb for the heart.
• It has toning effect on the heart and increasing its muscular action
• Suitable for most cardiac and circulatory disorders
• Recommended for angina, palpitations, irregular pulse, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, valvular insufficiency, angina pectoris and inflammation of the heart muscle.
HOREHOUND Marrubium vulgare

Horehound soothes a cough and is good for bronchial problems.
• Promotes sweating, helps to reduce fever
• Stimulates the flow and secretion of bile, adding digestion
• In large doses, acts as laxative
HORSE CHESTNUT Aesculus hippocastanum

Horse chestnut acts on blood vessels to increase their strength and tone.
• Clinical trials showed that it is of great benefit for circulatory problems: varicose veins, phlebitis (inflammation of the vein walls), foot oedema, haemorrhoids and leg ulcers
• It is approved in Germany for chronic venous insufficiency (leg pain, cramps in the calves and swollen legs)
HORSE TAIL Equisetum arvense

Horsetail is rich in minerals, especially silica, and is recommended in anaemia and general poor health.
• Excellent astringent for the genital and urinary systems, very useful in treating fluid retention, cystitis, incontinence and bed-wetting in children
• For haemorrhoids and internal bleeding
• It’s silica content encourages the absorption and use of calcium by the body, helpful for white spoting on fingernails, broken fingernails, lifeless hair and preventing fatty deposits from forming in the arteries
• Externally as a poultices aid the healing of wounds, ulcers and skin eruptions
HYPERICUM (St. John’s wort) Hypericum perforatum

Hypericum is one of nature’s best herbs for the entire nervous system.
• Has received wide medical attention particularly for its use in mild-moderate depression and anxiety
• Clinical trails have shown that hypericum is as effective as some prescription antidepressants without side effects
• Traditionally used to treat depression, neuralgia, anxiety, tension, neuralgic pain, fibrositis and sciatica
• Speech disorders
• Fitful sleep and sleepwalking
• Menopausal problems such as uterine cramping
• Neurosis in children
• The calming effect is useful of treating bed-wetting, bladder troubles, diarrhea and dysentery
ICELAND MOSS Cetraria islandica

Iceland moss is an effective treatment for a range of bronchial conditions.
• Respiratory congestion, bronchitis and asthma
• Beneficial for kidney and bladder disorders, cystitis and gastroenteritis
• Stimulates the flow of milk in breastfeeding mothers (should be avoided if you have inflamed breasts or nipples)
• Applied externally, this herb is useful for slow healing wounds
Indian corn has a very soothing effect on the urinary passages and is helpful as a reliable diuretic and weight reducer.
• Good for the kidneys
• It neutralizes and relieves excess wind and biliary insufficiency, the excretion of waste products containing uric acid
• Used to combat chronic or acute cystitis, nephritis, gout and rheumatism
• Useful for acidosis, kidney stones, renal colic, oedema, fluid in the heart, incontinence and bed-wetting
• May be used as a non-irritating enema
JUNIPER BERRY Juniperus commuins
Juniper berry is beneficial for the entire urinary system: the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages.
• Its antiseptic properties help maintain the system’s healthy functioning, eliminating excess water by promoting urine flow
• Helps to ease digestive problems, indigestion, diarrhea and excess wind
• Alleviate rheumatic aches and pains
• Should be avoided by pregnant women and people with kidney disease
KNOTGRASS Polygonum aviculare
Knotgrass is a useful herb for cleansing the body’s vascular, respiratory and intestinal systems.
• Particularly useful in cleansing the vascular system of toxins
• Treat inflammation of mucous membrances in the respiratory and intestinal tracts
• Relieves excess wind and biliary insufficiency
• Effective for urinary stones and gravel
• An astringent to combat bed-wetting, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, haemorrhoids and haemorrhages
• As a gargle for sore throats and as a douche for vaginal inflammations
LADY’S MANTLE Alchemilla vulgaris
Lady’s mantle helps to stop bleeding and has a strengthening effect on the endometrium and uterine wall, making it an effective treatment for many problems associated with menstruation and menopause.
• Used internally for excessive menstrual bleeding and vaginal discharge, to reduce menstrual pain and for prolonged blood loss due to menopausal or uterine fibroids
• Relieves hot flushes and anxiety symptoms
• The tea helps to strengthen the uterus in women who are likely to miscarry
• Recommended as a drink after giving birth
• Recommended for vomiting, intestinal disorders and diarrhea
• May be used for mouth ulcers, laryngitis, skin disorders and inflamed wounds
• Has a very rapid healing action and is good as gargle after the loss or removal of teeth
LIQUORICE Glycyrrhiza glabra
Liquorice is a valuable medicine for the digestive and respiratory systems.
• A gentle laxative and lowers stomach acid levels, relieving heartburn
• Heals stomach ulcers by spreading a protective gel over the stomach wall
• It eases spasms in the intestines
• A good remedy for gastritis, lung complaints, bronchial problems, coughs, hoarseness and mucous congestion
• Has antibacterial properties and will reduce fevers
• Helps to stimulate the flow of bile
• Lowers blood cholesterol
• Provides relief from allergies
MALLOW Malva sylvestris
Mallow is useful in countering inflammation of mucous membranes, particularly in the bladder, gastrointestinal tract and mouth.
• Treat mucus in the lungs, bronchitis, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis and tonsillitis
• Valuable in the treatment of pneumonia, gravel and all kidney diseases
• Particularly beneficial for inflamed bowels
• A lukewarm infusion and use it externally as a wash, for allergies of the face, for sore, inflamed eyes and for wounds or skin ulcers
• To bathe damaged hands or feet and or vaginal irritation
MEADOWSWEET Filipendula ulmaria
Meadowsweet is one of the best herbal remedies for most digestive conditions.
• Protects and soothes the body’s mucous membranes by reducing acidity, making it a good remedy for gastritis, heartburn, dyspepsia and diarrhea
• Beneficial in reducing fever and in relieving rheumatic pain in muscles and joints
• Helps in the treatment of fluid retention and in bladder and kidney disorders
MISTLETOE Viscum album
Mistletoe is used to strengthen the heart and is considered to be one of the best remedies for heart and circulatory complaints.
• It has steadying effect on blood pressure (low or high)
• Recommended for side-effects caused by abnormal blood pressure, such as blood rushing to the head, dizziness, buzzing in the ears and visual defects
• Has been used a remedy for epilepsy
OAK BARK Quercus robur
Oak bark is effective in countering diarrhea, particularly if the diarrhea is a result of gastroenteritis.
• Helps to reduce fever and stops internal bleeding
• Good remedy for nosebleeds
• Infusion can be used as an enema or douche for problems such as haemorrhoids or vaginal thrush
• As a wash for sores and skin irritations
• Use as a gargle for sore throats and gums
OAT STRAW Avena sativa
Oat straw is popular remedy for fevers, exhaustion, debilitating conditions and gastrointestinal inflammation.
• Effective for problems affecting the bladder, kidneys and ureters
• Recommended for sexual problems and impotence
• Soaking in a bath of oat straw is very good for rheumatic problems, lumbago, shingles and other herpes infections, paralysis, liver ailments, kidney problems and gravel
• Douches or enemas can be used for the treatment of bladder disorders, abdominal problems and intestinal colic
PASSIONFLOWER Passiflora incarnate
Passionflower is a gentle, natural sedative for people with nervous conditions.
• Useful for relieving nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, nervous headache, restlessness and irritability
• Calms people with Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and hysteria
• Combats nerve pain such as neuralgia and shingles
• Useful in any conditions that involve muscular spasm such as as asthma, and tense, knotted muscles
PENNYWORT Centella asiatica
Pennywort has long been used in India as a remedy for leprosy and stomach disorders.
• Helpful treatment for arthritis and rheumatism
• Assists healing in the cells of connective tissue, especially in the sheath around blood vessels
• Aids blood flow, particularly in the limbs, and is also regarded as a good tonic and rejuvenating remedy
• Used to treat nervous conditions such as anxiety, stress and depression
• Has a powerful anti-ageing effect
PEPPERMINT Mentha x piperita
Is a wonderful remedy for poor digestion, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting during pregnancy, sudden pains and cramps in the stomach, tension headaches, flatulence and colic.
• Can be taken as a tea to relieve blocked nasal passages resulting from a cold or influenza
• Can be used as an inhalation to relieve nasal congestion
• Useful tonic for easing anxiety and related conditions
• Fomentations bring prompt relief from itching and other skin conditions
PIMPERNEL ROOT Pimpinella saxifrage
Is a good remedy for respiratory problems such as coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma.
• Good gargle for sore throats and laryngitis
• Useful for the treatment of urinary tract conditions
• Fluid retention, gravel and kidney stones
• Gastric disorders, heartburn, flatulence, rheumatism and gout
• Used topically, pimpernel assists would healing
PLANTAIN Plantago lanceolata
Plantain has antibacterial and sooting actions and is beneficial for many respiratory conditions.
• Acts as a gentle expertorant and soothes mucous membranes, making it ideal to treat coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma
• Used for diarrhea, cystitis and bleeding
• Used topically, plantain’s soothing and cooling effect can be used to treat haemorrhoids, sores and ulcers
RASPBERRY Rubus idaeus
Raspberry supports, tightens and tones the ligaments of the uterus. It is useful to take it to help prevent and overcome prolapsed of the uterus.
• Also effective for diarrhea and excessive vaginal discharge
• Good gargle for sore throats
• Valuable in treating mouth ulcers
• Bleeding gums and mouth inflammations
RED CLOVER Trifolium pretense
Red clover contains a high concentration of iron and copper salts, which makes it a vital blood tonic as well as an excellent blood cleanser.
• Taken over a period, this herb helps improve the blood’s haemoglobin levels and the size and number of blood platelets
• Blood cleansing properties mean that it has many uses for conditions that affect organs of elimination: the lungs, kidneys, bowel and skin
• Has strong antispasmodic action on whooping cough and other troublesome coughs
• Useful for asthma, hoarseness and colds
• Contains oestrogen-like compounds and may be helpful in relieving menopausal symptoms
• Has been widely investigated for its anti-tumour compounds that may play a role in preventing and/or treating breast cancer
• Ideal herbal remedy for children, especially for treating eczema and other skin problems
ROSEMARY Rosemarinus officinalis
Rosemary soothes the nerves and relieves headaches, insomnia, tension and mental fatigue.
• Acts as a circulatory stimulant and has a calming effect on digestion
• Can be taken for flatulence and cramp-like gastro-intestinal upsets
• Stimulates liver function and the production of bile
• Fomentations ease muscular pain, sciatica and neuralgia
• May help to prevent hair loss and premature baldness
• One of the best hair washes to prevent dandruff
• Makes a refreshing herbal bath
SAGE Salvia officinalis
Sage is a strong antiseptic and is a particularly potent against staphylococcus infections.
• Used a a gargle, sage is one of the best remedies for sore throats, laryngitis, tonsillitis and throat ulcers
• Removes mucous from the respiratory organs and stomach
• Relieving intestinal troubles and mild diarrhea
• Strengthens the nerves and can be used to combat cramps, trembling limbs and nervous excitement
• Has oestrogenic properties, most useful in countering night sweats and hot flushes during menopause
• Relieves painful periods
• Helps to stop breast milk production in mother who are ready to finish breastfeeding
• Excellent remedy for loose and bleeding teeth and for ulcerated or receding gums
SHEPHERD’S PURSE Capsella bursa-pastoris
Shepherd’s purse is one of nature’s best haemostatic (a substance that prevents or stops bleeding). It works either by constricting blood vessels or by helping blood to clot.
• Beneficial for all types of bleeding conditions
• Taken as a tea or used externally as a fomentation
• Helpful for slowing heavy menstrual bleeding, should be taken as a tea for 7~8 days before the period is due
• To slow down postnatal bleeding
• Has a regulating effect on heart function and on high or low blood pressure
• The astringent properties of this herb make it a useful treatment for chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
SIBERIAN GINSENG Eleutherococcus senticosus
The most famous Chinese herb and has been used for around 7000 years. It is best known as a stamina-boosting herb, a tonic for the nervous and muscular systems, and as a stimulator of the immune system.
• Has a positive effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems
• Promotes immune function and metabolism
• Has anti-stress activities
• Has shown the ability to improve learning, memory and physical capability, resistance to infection and enhancement of energy
• The best therapeutic application is with weak or elderly people
SPEEDWELL Veronica officinalis
Speedwell is an excellent blood cleanser, which has helped it earn its reputation as a cholesterol-lowering agent.
• A helpful herb for gastro-intestinal problems, diarrhea, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and for skin problems such as acne, chronic eczema and wounds
• Useful for respiratory tract disorders
• Stimulates liver and kidney functions
• Supports circulation and helps restore memory
Is a highly nutritive herb, rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and vitamins.
• Its high iron content makes it the best blood-building herb for people with anaemia and other blood disorders
• Excellent blood cleanser
• Highly recommended for treating acne and eczema
• Used regularly over the long-term, it can be extremely helpful in managing rheumatism and arthritis
• As an anti-haemorrhaging agent, it will stop bleeding from the lungs, intestines, nose, stomach and urinary organs
• Good remedy for the urinary tract
• Expel gravel from the bladder and increase urine flow
• May be useful for allergies such as hayfever
• Is a good hair tonic
ST MARY’S THISTLE Silibum marianum
It is undoubtedly the best-documented pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of serious liver diseases. It is widely used by the medical profession to treat alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis
• To protect the liver from the effects of liver-toxic medicines
• As one of the main treatments for a sluggish liver
THYME Thymus serphyllum
Thyme is very effective for sore throats, sinus congestion, post-nasal drip and for people who use their voices professionally – singers, teachers and actors.
• Helps clear mucous congestion from the lungs and bronchial passages
• Beneficial for respiratory problems such as bronchitis and whooping cough
• Good as a tonc for stomach problems such as flatulence, gastritis and stomach cramps
• Helps to relieve period pain
TORMENTIL ROOT Tormentil erecta
Tormentil root tea is excellent for diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal bloating and colic.
• Mixed with sage and chamomile, is a useful gargle for inflamed mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, for sore gums, tonsillitis and toothache
• Topical fomentations are beneficial for haemorrhoids, slow healing wounds and external burns
VALERIAN Valeriana officinalis
Valerian is a powerful natural sedative, which will not cause dependence or a hungover’ feeling in the morning.
• Can be used as a sedative in all sorts of nervous conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, hysteria, migraines, palpitations and breathlessness
• Excellent remedy for nervous dyspepsia, stomach cramps and irritable bowel
• Helpful for menstrual cramps
WALNUT Juglans regia
Walnut cleanses the blood and is an effective remedy for intestinal disorders and constipation.
• It is a tonic to the stomach and promotes a good appetite
• Used to treat acne, eczema, sweaty feet
• To promote hair growth
• As a wash or bath additive, walnut is beneficial for rheumatism, gout, glandular swelling, dandruff, herpes, ulcers and other skin disorders
WILLOW BARK Salix alba
Willow bark contains salicin, which has effective pain-relieving, fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue disorders that involve inflammatory changes
• Good for muscular inflammation and pain
• For influenza, fevers, respiratory congestion, gout and spondylitis
• Topical applications assist bleeding wounds
• Has antibiotic actions
WORMWOOD Artemisia absinthium
Wormwood is an excellent bitter tonic for the gastric tract.
• Stimulates appetite, gastric secretions and assists digestion
• Very useful for dyspepsia, flatulence and problems of the digestive tract
• Take it to expel intestinal worms
• Beneficial for gallbladder complaints, colic, gallstones and hepatitis
• May also used as a nerve tonic and sedative
YARROW Achillea millefolium
Yarrow contains ingredients that promote blood coagulation.
• Can be used to relieve internal and external wounds
• To counter diarrhea and dysentery
• To relieve intestinal troubles
• Regulates menstrual periods
• A diuretic to aid the function of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.
• Has blood cleansing action, it stimulates blood renewal
• Has a beneficial effect on the bone marrow
• Douche applications will relieve uterine fibroids, inflammation of the ovaries, vaginal itch and bed-wetting
• Can be used externally for greasy skin, pimples and eczema