NAI Negative Air Ion Spray (for Room) 300ml


NAI Negative Air ion liquid (For Room) 


Area: 20m²/ 216 ft² 

Retail Price : $325

High concentration of Negative Air Ions has an air purifying effect – it eliminates smoke, dust, microbes, and foul odours. The anti-microbial property of NAI also enables it to suppress all kinds of foul odours of a biological source (e.g. food smells, body farts, vomits and durians!) as well as of chemical agents like formaldehyde (i.e. the colourless but pungent smell of wall paint).

As NAI is constantly being produced from the walls and ceiling, spider webs and dust cannot be formed as they can’t adhere to the surface. This creates surfaces that are constantly free of dust and cobwebs.

All these properties create an air pollution-free environment in a NAI Health Room, where the air smells fresh and crisp, as if you are in a forest.

All mentions of NAI Health Room refers to a room or enclosed space that has been treated with the NAI Health Solution on the walls and ceiling, generating enough Negative Air Ions to enable the average reading to be at least 5000-ions/cm³ throughout. 

The PM2.5 readings in a NAI Health Room is mostly less than 5 µg/m³ which is excellent according to standards for air quality set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

Adverse reactions of wearing mask for long period of time: 

1. Insufficient oxygen respiration, blood oxygen level reduced, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain 

2. Constricted breathing; causes chest tightness, resulting in poor functioning of the thymus which reduces immunity 

3. Incomplete exhalation of carbon dioxide; retention of waste and toxin in the lungs 

4. Insufficient protection against virus and bacteria 

5. Promotes breeding of bacteria and foul smell

6. Negative Air ion protective liquid for Mask: 

Effect can be seen 5 minutes after spraying, producing 3000-5000 negative oxygen ions/cm³ 

1. Improve blood oxygen level.

2. Effectively block the airborne transmission of various bacteria and viruses.

3. Remove odor and improve the hygiene of mask.



1. 氧气呼吸不充分,血氧含量降低,造成大脑供氧不足

2. 呼吸不顺造成胸闷,导致胸腺运作不畅,从而使免疫力下降 

3. 二氧化碳呼出不完全,肺内垃圾增多 

4. 口罩防病毒效果不充分 

5. 滋生细菌、异味,不卫生.



喷后5分钟见效果, 每平方厘米产生3000-5000个负氧离子 

1. 提升人的血氧含量 

2. 有效阻挡各类细菌的空气传播 

3. 去异味、提升口罩卫生 




负氧离子的标准浓度 世界卫生组织规定清新空气的标准: 

不低于 1000—1500个/cm³.



负离子即带有成对电子的气体粒子, 它被称为“空气中的维生素”和“长寿素”


1. 负离子与人体作用 

2. 改善肺功能,提高呼吸系统,绒毛的清洁工作

3. 使人精神振奋,想象力增强,增强警觉性 

4. 提高免疫力,增强抵抗力 

5. 增强心肌功能,促进人体新陈代谢,清洁血管 

6. 负氧离子对人的睡眠精神情绪等均有好处 

7. 提高创面愈合,高浓度的负氧离子促进细胞的自我修复

Negative Air Ions Health Benefits:

•Improve Lung Function, Enhance Respiratory System, Enhance capability of Fluff 

•Make people Uplifting, Increase Imagination, Increase Alertness 

•Improve Immunity, Enhance Resistivity 

•Improve Myocardial Function, improve body's metabolism, clean blood vessels 

•Negative Oxygen ions benefits people's sleeping quality, spirit and emotion. 

•Enhance Wound Healing, High Concentration of Negative Oxygen lons improve self-repair of cells.

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NAI Negative Air ion liquid (For Room) 


Area: 20m²/ 216 ft² 

Retail Price : $325

High concentration of Negative Air Ions has an air purifying effect – it eliminates smoke, dust, microbes, and foul odours. The anti-microbial property of NAI also enables it to suppress all kinds of foul odours of a biological source (e.g. food smells, body farts, vomits and durians!) as well as of chemical agents like formaldehyde (i.e. the colourless but pungent smell of wall paint).

As NAI is constantly being produced from the walls and ceiling, spider webs and dust cannot be formed as they can’t adhere to the surface. This creates surfaces that are constantly free of dust and cobwebs.

All these properties create an air pollution-free environment in a NAI Health Room, where the air smells fresh and crisp, as if you are in a forest.

All mentions of NAI Health Room refers to a room or enclosed space that has been treated with the NAI Health Solution on the walls and ceiling, generating enough Negative Air Ions to enable the average reading to be at least 5000 -ions/cm³ throughout.

The PM2.5 readings in a NAI Health Room is mostly less than 5 µg/m³ which is excellent according to standards for air quality set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Adverse reactions of wearing mask for long period of time: 

1. Insufficient oxygen respiration, blood oxygen level reduced, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain 

2. Constricted breathing; causes chest tightness, resulting in poor functioning of the thymus which reduces immunity 

3. Incomplete exhalation of carbon dioxide; retention of waste and toxin in the lungs 

4. Insufficient protection against virus and bacteria 

5. Promotes breeding of bacteria and foul smell

6. Negative Air ion protective liquid for Mask: 

Effect can be seen 5 minutes after spraying, producing 3000-5000 negative oxygen ions/cm³ 

1. Improve blood oxygen level 

2. Effectively block the airborne transmission of various bacteria and viruses 

3. Remove odor and improve the hygiene of mask.



1. 氧气呼吸不充分,血氧含量降低,造成大脑供氧不足

2. 呼吸不顺造成胸闷,导致胸腺运作不畅,从而使免疫力下降 

3. 二氧化碳呼出不完全,肺内垃圾增多 

4. 口罩防病毒效果不充分 

5. 滋生细菌、异味,不卫生.




喷后5分钟见效果, 每平方厘米产生3000-5000个负氧离子 

1. 提升人的血氧含量 

2. 有效阻挡各类细菌的空气传播 

3. 去异味、提升口罩卫生 




负氧离子的标准浓度 世界卫生组织规定清新空气的标准: 

不低于 1000—1500个/cm³.



负离子即带有成对电子的气体粒子, 它被称为“空气中的维生素”和“长寿素” 



1. 负离子与人体作用 

2. 改善肺功能,提高呼吸系统,绒毛的清洁工作

3. 使人精神振奋,想象力增强,增强警觉性 

4. 提高免疫力,增强抵抗力 

5. 增强心肌功能,促进人体新陈代谢,清洁血管 

6. 负氧离子对人的睡眠精神情绪等均有好处 

7. 提高创面愈合,高浓度的负氧离子促进细胞的自我修复


Negative Air Ions Health Benefits:

•Improve Lung Function, Enhance Respiratory System, Enhance capability of Fluff 


•Make people Uplifting, Increase Imagination, Increase Alertness 


•Improve Immunity, Enhance Resistivity 


•Improve Myocardial Function, improve body's metabolism, clean blood vessels 


•Negative Oxygen ions benefits people's sleeping quality, spirit and emotion. 


•Enhance Wound Healing, High Concentration of Negative Oxygen lons improve self-repair of cells.

Additional information

Weight 0.32 kg
Dimensions 10.00 × 10.00 × 15.00 cm

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