Powdered Job's Tears 薏仁粉 500g
Qty: 1 packet. 2 packets
~ 美白、美肤、护肤,使肌肤白皙有光泽
~ 降低黑色素沉淀,淡化和消除斑点
~ 实验证明能够抑制黑色素的产生
~ 改善皮肤粗糙,使毛孔更细腻
~ 消痘、淡疤、淡黑眼圈、消印
~ 祛粉刺、消暗疮
~ 把肌肤变更均匀透亮
~ 促进排毒,利尿
~ 消炎,消水肿
PS: 薏仁粉偏凉性,来月事或怀孕的请避免食用。
薏米粉保健功效 薏仁本身所具有的润泽肌肤、美白补湿、行气活血、调经止痛等功效十分卓著,应用于皮肤上又具有自然美白效果,能提高肌肤新陈代谢与保湿的功能,可以有效阻止肌肤干燥又可使身体轻捷,还可减少患癌的机率。 常用薏苡仁粉敷脸可以有效预防和减少面部老年斑的生成。 中医认为,薏苡仁性凉,味甘、淡,具有清热利湿排毒的功效。
This ready-to-drink nutraceutical product has many beauty and wellness benefits, may help to improve radiant skin as well.
Beauty Benefits:
◆ Whitening skin: scientifically tested to naturally reduce melanin in the body, giving a fairer and lighter skin tone.
◆ Lighten dark spots such as sun spots, brown spots and stretch marks.
◆ Smoothening skin.
◆ Treat various skin problems like acne and allergic dermatitis.
◆ Helps remove warts and reduce blemishes and other skin rashes.
◆ Reduces freckles and helps fight premature sign of aging.
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