The nutritional diets of Eastern and Western people differ. 东西方人的营养饮食不一样

The nutritional study we are currently discussing is largely based on the perspectives of Western nutritionists, and, of course, is influenced by the dietary habits and food choices of Westerners. It is certain that the dietary habits of people from different regions and the crops produced in their respective locations will inevitably differ. Therefore, if we discuss dietary nutrition based on a particular ethnicity, it is not necessarily applicable to people in different regions with diverse climates.

So, what about the dietary culture and commonly consumed foods of the Chinese nation?

Chinese culinary culture has a long history, evolving from the initial practice of roasting food on stones to the development of eight major culinary styles, four renowned dishes, and various cooking methods such as stir-frying, braising, pan-frying, boiling, steaming, roasting, and cold mixing.

Prehistoric Period:

  • The earliest crops in China were rice (rice) and millet (millet), cultivated around 7000 years ago.
  • Initially, there were no specific cooking methods; rice and millet were made into porridge, complemented by hunted meat and gathered wild fruits.

Pre-Qin Period:

  • The variety of food gradually increased, featuring the “Five Grains” (rice, millet, barley, wheat, and beans) and the “Five Vegetables” (sunflower, shepherd’s purse, Chinese wild rice stem, scallion, and garlic chives).
  • Despite the low grain yield, the main cooking methods were boiling or making a mixed stew, known as “geng.”

Qin and Han Dynasties:

  • The main foods were beans and millet porridge. The appearance of the wok (prototype of the pot) for stewing dishes emerged.
  • However, there were few seasonings and spices, resulting in less flavorful dishes.
  • Subsequently, Zhang Qian brought back grapes, pomegranates, and garlic from the Western Regions, but these were mainly consumed in the imperial court and rarely reached the common people.

Tang Dynasty:

  • Common foods included beans, sunflower, noodles, pancakes, and pork. The standard of living for common people improved, and the nobility could enjoy grape wine and tea.
  • With agricultural development, rice became more common, and people could now consume rice directly instead of making porridge.
  • In addition, during the Tang Dynasty, there were already dairy products such as yogurt, mare’s milk, and cheese, significantly enhancing the overall deliciousness.

Song Dynasty:

  • The peak of ancient culinary development was influenced by the rise of maritime trade and economic development.
  • Iron pots and late-night snacks became part of the public’s life.
  • The Song people creatively expanded the use of noodles. New crops such as pineapples, radishes, cucumbers, eggplants, winter melons, and bamboo shoots entered the scene.

Ming Dynasty:

  • Developed maritime trade brought chili peppers to China, gradually spreading from the southeastern coast to the northwestern inland.
  • Various grains from the Americas, such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, pineapples, and green beans, gradually entered the market.
  • However, these ingredients remained precious and were mainly consumed by the nobility, while commoners still struggled to access them.

Qing Dynasty:

  • The population surged from 60 million to 400 million, and the widespread cultivation of foreign root crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes ensured that common people could eat their fill.
  • Cooking techniques had approached modern standards, and many present-day delicacies have roots in the Qing Dynasty.

In summary, the traditional Chinese diet is centered around grains, vegetables, and stewing. Extensive barbecues and meat consumption are not typical of Chinese dietary habits. This implies that when Chinese friends are seeking a diet and nutrition beneficial to their health, they should not blindly follow Western practices. Dietary choices should consider individual cultural backgrounds and health conditions, reflecting the complexity and richness of culinary cultures worldwide.



那么,中华民族的饮食文化和所常吃的食物又是什么呢? 中国的饮食文化源远流长,从最初的放在石上烤炙,而今发展出八大菜系、四大名菜、炒、烧、煎、煮、蒸、烤和凉拌等烹饪方式。


先秦:饮食的丰富性逐渐提升。有五谷(稻黍稷麦菽)和五菜(葵藿薤葱韭)。但是粮食产量不高,基本以水煮为主,或者全部放在一起做成大杂烩,也就是古人说的“羹”。 秦汉:主食以豆子、粟米粥为主,烹饪器具出现了镬(锅的原型),主要用于炖菜,但那时候调料和香料太少,做出来味道不好。后来张骞从西域带回了葡萄、石榴和大蒜,但基本只在宫廷里,很少流入民间。





