Ginger paste, juice and herbs are mainly used in Traditional Ginger Steam Bath.
Ginger Steam Bath is a significant advancement and development in the inheritance of traditional moxibustion. It’s a combination of experiences shared by moxibustion practitioners throughout history and a contribution to traditional moxibustion.
Ginger steam bath replaces traditional ginger slices with ginger paste. And also involves processing Chinese herbs into granules based on the body’s physical characteristic.
Full body ginger steam bath is very refreshing and able to dispel chilliness and dampness from the body.
Please contact us to arrange for a demonstration if in doubt.
Price includes transport & demonstration. This item is on indent basis. Lead time about 30 days.
适合: 艾灸推拿、美容SPA、面部护理、熏蒸艾灸、产后恢复等。
- 消毒杀菌
- 消除疲劳
- 活化细胞
- 强化机能
- 燃烧脂肪
- 美容除斑
- 改善睡眠
- 预防冻疮
- 艾灸好处
- 补中益气
- 温阳补虚
- 清胫散结
- 强生健体
- 行气活血
- 驱散寒邪
- 温通经络
- 调和阴阳
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