[忆思源] 感冒通丸 Cold Remedy 60's
每粒 354mg:
桂枝, 胖大海, 桔梗, 神曲, 大青叶, 丝瓜络,
板蓝根, 穿心莲。
Ramulus Cinnamomi, Semen Sterculiae
Lychnopherae, Radix Platycodi, Massa
Medicata Fermentata, Folium Isatidis, Retinervus Luffae Fructus, Radix Isatidis,
Herba Andrographitis.
疏散风热,清热解毒。用于流行性感冒, 上呼吸道感染,伤风流涕,发热咽痛,咳嗽,目痛,及头痛。
For influenza, upper respiratory infections, clear away heat and toxic materials, treat colds with fever, headache, sore throat, cough, eye pain and running nose.
Take 3 capsules, 3 times daily.
Children take 1 capsule, 2-3 times daily.
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